
October 9, 2018 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 20 Overhead Squats (95/65) 20 Toes-to-Bar 20 Handstand Push ups* 20 Calorie Row *Scale = 2:1 Hand-Release Push ups Gymnastics Conditioning: For time: 35 Pull ups (Rx+ 35 Chest to Bar Pull ups) *Every break = 15 Wall Balls Happy Birthday to CrossFitter, Nikki Fleming.  Hope you have...
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October 8, 2018 Strength: Power Clean Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) x 10 Rounds 1 Power Clean @ 80-85% *Focus on a good first pull, explosive second pull, and then a solid catch under the bar.  Work on catching in a solid POWER POSITION. Metcon: (For time) 800m Run 21 Power Cleans (155/105) 400m...
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October 7, 2018 Rest Day. Get out and enjoy your day.
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October 6, 2018 Partner WOD In teams of 2, complete the following: For time: 60 Calorie Ski Erg (switch as needed) then, 6 Rounds of: (Alternating rounds) 7 Thrusters (75/55) 7 Pull ups 7 Burpees then, 80 Calorie Row (switch as needed) then, 4 Rounds of: (Alternating rounds) 7 Thrusters (75/55) 7 Pull ups 7...
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October 5, 2018 For today’s workout, the Class will be divided into two groups (depending on Class size).  Half the class will complete Part A while the other half completes Part B.  Then groups will switch. Class Part A Strength: Sled  Drags For time: 400m Sled Drag (backwards) 400m Sled Drag (forwards) *Sled Drags are...
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October 4, 2018 Metcon: 5 min AMRAP 600m Run 1 Round of “Cindy” AMRAP Clean & Jerks @ 135/95 Rest 5:00 5 min AMRAP 400m Run 2 Rounds of “Cindy” AMRAP Clean & Jerks @ 155/115 Rest 5:00 5 min AMRAP 200m Run 3 Rounds of “Cindy” AMRAP Clean & Jerks @ 185/125 Accessory/Skill Work...
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October 3, 2018 SCHEDULE REMINDER: There is NO 5:30pm Gymnastics Class or 6:30 CrossFit/OnRamp Class.   The CrossFit for Dreams Check Presentation and Buddy Ball Game is taking place at 5:45pm down at the Grove City Buddy Ball Dream Field – 3400 Ventura Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123.  Come join us for the check presentation and...
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