
December 11, 2018 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 7 Power Snatch (115/75) 7 Burpees to 6″ 300/250m Row *Every 2 Rounds, increase Power Snatch weight. R1/2: 115/75 R3/4: 135/95 R5/6: 155/115 R7/8: 185/125 R9/10: 205/135 Midline Accessory: 50-40-30-20-10 reps of: Hollow Rocks *Complete 10/8 Calorie Ski Erg after each set.
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December 10, 2018 Strength: Squat Conditioning 12 minute EMOM Odd: 3 Front Squats Even: 6 Back Squats *Use 65-68% of your Front Squat for both movements. Metcon: (For time) 1.5 mile Bike 50 Thrusters (45/35) 10 Bar Muscle ups* *Scale = 15 Jumping Bar Muscle ups or 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
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December 9, 2018 Rest Day. Get out there and do some Christmas shopping.
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December 8, 2018 Team WOD Teams of 3 complete the following: 40 Calorie Bike 60 Push Press (95/65) 40 Calorie Bike 60 Toes-to-Bar 40 Calorie Bike 60 Bar Facing Burpees 40 Calorie Bike 60 Toes-to-Bar 40 Calorie Bike 60 Push Press (95/65) *Clock will be set for :30 intervals.  Team members will switch from work...
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December 7, 2018 Gymnastics Conditioning: 5 minute AMRAP 5 Strict Dips 5 Strict Ring Rows Strength: Deadlift Establish Heavy set of: 6-4-2 *Rest as needed between sets. Metcon: 7 minute AMRAP Wall Balls (20/14) *Every minute starting at 0:00, complete 5 Deadlifts @ 225/155
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December 6, 2018 Metcon: 4 Rounds of: 1:00 Calorie Bike 1:00 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) 1:00 Burpees 1:00 Double Unders 1:00 Rest Accessory: 2 Rounds (Not for time) 10 Barbell Good Mornings* 20 Banded Step ups (each leg) 30 Reverse Hypers *Choose own weight for the Good Mornings.
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December 5, 2018 Strength: Squat Snatch Every 1:30 x 6 Rounds: 3 Squat Snatch (Start around 60/65% and build from there) *Reps DO NOT have to be Touch & Go. Metcon: (For time) 50/35 Calorie Row 35 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 50 Overhead Squats (95/65)
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