
March 9, 2017 Metcon: 3 Rounds for time: 400m Run 15 Hang Power Snatch (95lb/65lb) 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups Core/Midline: 2-3 Rounds 1:00 Weighted Plank 20 Abmat Sit ups :30 L-Hang
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March 8, 2017 Metcon: 25 minute AMRAP 500m Row 25 Thrusters (75lb/55lb) 200m Farmer Carry* (53lb/35lb per hand) *The 200m Farmer Carry is 3 full down & backs in the gym. GYM-DURANCE COMP CLASS – 5:30pm 0:00 – 3:00 50 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) 3:00 – 6:00 Rest 6:00 – 21:00 5 Rounds of: 6 Muscle...
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March 7, 2017 Strength: A. Deadlift + Hollow Rocks EMOM x 8: 5 Deadlifts @ 65-75% + 10 Hollow Rocks B. Back Squat 10 minutes – Establish 4 Rep Back Squat Conditioning: 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) *7 minute cap Rest 3:00 7 minute AMRAP 10 Power Cleans (135lb/95lb) 30 Double Unders (Rx+ 30...
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March 6, 2017 Great Job to TEAM SCCF for competing this weekend at the Midwest Affiliate Gathering at the Arnold Classic.  They took 6th out of 40 on Saturday which allowed them to compete on Sunday.  Still don’t know the final standings but will keep you posted. Congratulations to Morgan Iverson for taking 1st Place...
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March 5, 2017 Rest Day. Get out of the gym.
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March 4, 2017 SCHEDULE REMINDER: 8:00am CrossFit 9:00am KidsFit and Oly Lifting 10:00am CrossFit Open Heats start Partner WOD 10 minute AMRAP 5 Front Squats (135lb/95lb) 10 Hand-Release Push ups 15 Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35lb) *Partners will alternate Rounds. Rest 5:00 10 minute AMRAP 10 Calorie Row 50ft Sled Push (100lb) *Partners will alternate Rounds. For...
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March 3, 2017 REMINDER: There is NO 5:30pm CLASS TODAY.  This is when the CrossFit Open Heats will start. Athletes competing – Please make sure you sign up for a heat time and be ready to go.  Thank you. Strength: A. Split Jerks: EMOM x 8: 2 Reps @ 75% B. Front Squats: EMOM x...
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