
March 23, 2017 Conditioning #1: 27-21-15-9 reps of: Calorie Row Shoulder to Overhead (155lb/115lb) Rest 5:00 Conditioning #2: 27-21-15-9 reps of: Calorie Bike Kettlebell Swings (70lb/53lb) Happy Birthday to CrossFit member, Chrissy Finnicum!
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March 22, 2017 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT: This Friday (3/24/17), the 4:30pm Class CrossFit Class is CANCELLED and will be a Free Trial Yoga Class.  If you are doing the Open Workout at 5:30pm it would be a great way to warm up and work on mobility.  If you’re waiting till Saturday, it would still be  a...
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March 21, 2017 Strength: A. Handstand Push ups 5 sets of: 6 Strict HSPU + 6 Kipping HSPU B. Pull ups 5 sets of: 6 Strict Pull ups + 6 Kipping Pull ups *Butterfly style pull ups are not allowed.  Must use a standard kip. Metcon: 10 minute AMRAP 30 Double Unders 20 Thrusters @...
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March 20, 2017 Strength: Week #4 A. Clean & Jerk Skill 4 x 2: Hang Clean + Jerk *Warm up your movements for Part B. B. Clean & Jerk Every 2:00 x 8 (16 minutes) Clean & Jerk (progressive loading) *Build to a heavy C&J for the day.  Does not have to be a PR....
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March 19, 2017 Rest Day.  Stay tuned to Facebook for possible Open Gym.
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March 18, 2017 Join us at 9:00am for a Yoga Class to help recovery from today’s WOD or to get ready for Open Workout 17.4 Metcon: “Z. Rob” 6 minute AMRAP 200ft Seated Sled Pull (225lb/165lb) AMRAP Kettlebell Swings (70lb/53lb) Rest 2:00 6 minute AMRAP 750m Row AMRAP Bench Press (155lb/105lb) Rest 2:00 6 minute...
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March 17, 2017 HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! Strength: A. Burpees + Cleans Every 2:00 x 7 Rounds (14 minutes) 6 Bar Over Burpees + 3 Squat Cleans @ 65-75%+ B. Deadlifts + Box Jumps Every 1:30 x 5 Rounds (7.5 minutes) 3 Deadlifts @ 70-80% + 10 Box Jumps (24″/20″) Metcon: 15 minute EMOM Min....
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