
March 10, 2019 Rest Day. CrossFit Open 19.3 If you need to complete Open Workout 19.3, please get with coaching staff so we can coordinate a time to get your scheduled.  If you have already completed the workout, don’t forget to submit your score!!!
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March 9, 2019 REMINDER: CrossFit Class at 9:00am CrossFit Open Heats will start around 10:00am.  Please sign up for a heat time and be ready to go.  If unable to attend Saturday heats, please let coaching staff know. Core/Midline/Extended Warm-up 3 Rounds per person  15/12 Calorie Ski Erg *Partner holds Double Kettlebell Front Rack (35/25)...
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March 8, 2019 REMINDER: CrossFit Open Workout 19.3 will take place tomorrow (Saturday) starting around 10:00am.  Please sign up for a heat.  Come ready to kick butt! Strength: Muscle ups + Snatches 10 Muscle ups 5 Snatches @ 70% 8 Muscle ups 4 Snatches @ 75% 6 Muscle ups 3 Snatches @ 80% 4 Muscle...
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March 7, 2019 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 500/400m Row 50 Double Unders 3 Rounds of: 3 Deadlifts + 2 Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk (135/95) (Rx+ 155/105) Accessory Work/Cool Down: 2-3 Rounds (Not for time) :30 Ski Erg 3 Strict Pull ups 6 Push ups 12 Air Squats 24 Hollow Rocks
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March 6, 2019 Strength: Back Squat 5 x 1 @ 85% *All sets are to be completed at the same weight. Metcon: (For time) 25/20 Calorie Bike 40 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14) 200ft Burpee Broad Jump 40 Medicine Ball Cleans 25/20 Calorie Bike (15:00 time cap) GYMNASTICS CLASS at 5:30pm Come get Gym-Nasty with us!!!
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March 5, 2019 Metcon: Every 5:00 x 5 Rounds 10 Burpees Over Dumbbell 12 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk (6/6) (50/35) 14 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 16 Dumbbell Overhead Squats (50/35) Core/Midline: 2-3 Rounds (NFT) 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Heavy) 20 GHD or Weighted Sit ups
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March 4, 2019 Strength: Strict Press + “Cindy” 3 sets of: 1 Round of “Strict Cindy” then, Max set of: Strict Press (100/75) Metcon: (For time) “Frantastic” 21 Thrusters (115/80) 9 Muscle ups (Bar or Rings) 15 Thrusters 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups 9 Thrusters 21 Pull ups
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