
May 18, 2019 Partner WOD In teams of 2 complete the following for time: 150/125 Calorie Assault Bike 150/125 Calorie Row or Ski Erg *Every 5:00 complete 20 Wall Balls + 20 Burpees.  These reps can be partitioned however between partners.
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May 17, 2019 Strength: Overhead Squat 5-4-3-2-1 *Start around 70/75% and build Metcon: 3 Rounds of: 100ft Bear Crawl Sled Drag (70% of Bodyweight) 20 Knees-to-Elbow 1:00 Ring Plank *Rest 1:00 between rounds.
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May 16, 2019 Metcon: “Macho Mile” 4 Rounds of: 400m Run 3 Rounds of “Macho Man” (135/95) (Rx+ 155/105) *1 Round of “Macho Man” = 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks Gymnastics Benchmark 2 Rounds/Attempts Max Set of: Strict Handstand Push ups** Rest 1:00 Max Set of: Strict Pull ups**...
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May 15, 2019 Strength: Split Jerk A. Tall Jerk 3 x 3 *A Tall Jerk is when the Bar is at eye level, then the athlete presses under the bar. This is a skill to get ready to Part B.  Goal is to work on Speed under the bar. B. Split Jerk 5 x 1...
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May 14, 2019 Metcon 10 Rounds for time: 1 Rope Climb (15′) 8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 12/8 Calorie Bike Row Conditioning Not for time: 100/80 Calorie Row Males: 5 x 10 Calories Slow, 10 Calories Fast Females: 5 x 8 Calories Slow, 8 Calories Fast
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May 13, 2019 Strength: Hang Squat Clean 5-4-3-2-1 *Start around 65/70% and build from there.  Reps must be completed as an Unbroken set. Metcon: “Cleaning Amanda” 9-7-5 of: Ring Muscle ups* Squat Cleans (135/95) *Scale = 2:1 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups (18-14-10)
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