
August 24, 2020 Strength: Clean Complex EMOM x 4 Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk @ 60-65% Rest 1:00 EMOM x 4 Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk @ 70-75% Rest 1:00 EMOM x 4 Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk @ 80-85% *For all percentages, use the Power Clean weight that...
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August 23, 2020 Rest Day. Get out and enjoy your day.
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August 22, 2020 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete the following: 1600m Run (Alternate every 200m) (10:00 cap) Rest 2:00 16 Alternating Rounds 10 Toes-to-Bar 6 Dumbbell Goblet Squats (50/35) 4 Single Arm Devil Press (50/35) *Partners will complete a full round before alternating.  Each partner completes 8 full rounds. (20:00 cap) Rest 2:00 1600m...
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August 21, 2020 Strength: Back Squat With a 20:00 running clock: 5-5-3-3-1-1 *Use this as a Baseline to build to a Heavy Single. Metcon: 12:00 AMRAP 1 Rope Climb (15′) 10 Handstand Push ups 5 Deadlifts (315/225)* *If can’t use the RxD weight, use roughly 70-75% of 1 Rep Max Deadlift.  It should be a...
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August 20, 2020 Mobility: 15:00 of Stretching and Mobility Work Active Recovery 25 minute EMOM Minute 1: :45 of Assault Bike or Row Minute 2: :40 of Push ups Minute 3: :35 of Shuttle Runs (50ft) Minute 4: :30 of Hollow Hold or Rocks Minute 5: 1:00 Rest
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August 19, 2020 Strength: Push & Pull 7 sets of: 2 Strict Press* 3-5 Strict Pull ups *Build in weight over the 7 sets. Metcon: (For time) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of: Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 30 Double Unders after each set of BBJO HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CrossFit member, Caleb Sexton.  Hope you have a GREAT...
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August 18, 2020 Metcon: 5 sets of: 15/12 Calorie Row 50ft Double Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35 x 2) 300m Weighted Run (30/20) Rest 1:00 between sets. Core/Midline: 2 Rounds (Not for time) 20 Plank up & downs 25 Abmat Sit ups 1:00 Double Kettlebell Overhead Hold
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