
March 1, 2020 Rest Day. There will be an OPEN GYM starting around 5:00pm for anyone interested in getting some extra work in.
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February 29, 2020 No 9:00am Class Today. We are participating in the Jenny Malec Benefit WOD at CrossFit Future.  Please come join us in supporting a friend as she battles Cancer.  Workout is a Partner WOD. CrossFit Future is located at 6788 Kilowatt Circle, Blacklick, OH 43004
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February 28, 2020 SCHEDULE UPDATE: There WILL NOT be a Saturday Class at 9:00am this weekend.  Instead, we are participating in the Jenny Malec benefit WOD over at CrossFit Future.  Workout is from 10:00am – 12:00pm.  Please join us in supporting a friend. Strength: 3-Position Snatch Technique 5 sets of: 1 High Hang Squat Snatch...
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February 27, 2020 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT: Stay tuned to the WOD Post and Facebook for Saturday’s Schedule. We may not have the 9:00am Class because we’re looking to get a group to participate in the Jenny WOD hosted by CrossFit Future.  The Jenny WOD is from 10:00am – 12:00pm.  Please stay tuned. Metcon: 18 minute AMRAP...
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February 26, 2020 Strength: Bench Press Build to a Heavy 5-Rep Bench Press (15:00) *We will be using this for our baseline on our New Bench Press Cycle starting next week. Metcon: (For time) 5-4-3-2-1 of: Rope Climbs (15′) *Complete 15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) after each set of Rope Climbs.
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February 25, 2020 Metcon: 21-15-9 reps of: Wall Balls (30/20) Chest-to-Bar Pull ups Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) Assault Bike Calories Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (50/35) Accessory Work 3 Rounds (Not for time) 1:00 Ring Plank 20 Alternating Kettlebell Z-Presses 10 Face Pulls w/ :03 Pause + :03 Negative
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February 24, 2020 Strength: Back Squat Wave (Phase 2, Week #2) Set 1: 4 Reps @ 95% Set 2: 3 Reps @ 100% Set 3: 2 Reps @ 105% Rest 3:00 Set 4: 4 Reps @ 95% Set 5: 3 Reps @ 100% Set 6: 2 Reps @ 105% Rest 3:00 Set 7: 4 Reps...
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