
March 21, 2020 EQUIPMENT “CHECK-OUT” Stop in the Gym tomorrow from 10:00am – 12:00pm to “Check-Out” equipment to use in the upcoming At-Home Programming.  This programming will start on Monday, March 23, 2020. Things that can be checked out include, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, Weight Plates, Abmats, Jump Ropes, and Bands.  You will be required...
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March 20, 2020 At-Home WOD Metcon: (For time) 150 Push ups *Every break complete :30 Wall Sit + 15 Air Squats Rest as needed before starting next set.  Be sure you rest just enough that you can complete a decent size set.  Try not to rest more than 1:00. Extra Credit: 20:00 Walk or Run*...
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March 19, 2020 At-Home WOD Metcon: (For time) 1:00 of Up & Down the Stairs 20-18-16-14….6-4-2 of: Burpees *Round 1 complete 1:00 of Up & Down your house stairs followed by 20 Burpees.  Round 2 complete 1:00 of Up & Down the stairs followed by 18 Burpees.  Continue this pattern completing 1:00 of stairs followed...
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March 18, 2020 At-Home WOD Warm Up: 2-3 Rounds (Approx. 8:00) 30 Jumping Jacks 5 Inch Worms into Down Dog Stretch 10 PVC or Broomstick Pass Thrus 15 Sit to Straddle :20 Jog in Place Upper Body Strength: Handstand Push ups :30 ON/:30 OFF x 6 sets: Handstand Push ups or Handstand Hold *Complete Handstand...
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March 17, 2020 HAPPY ST. PATRICK’s DAY!!! Be sure to wear your GREEN today… Due to the most recent mandating and closures of all Gyms and Recreational Facilities, Southern Columbus CrossFit will be CLOSED until further notice.  We will be doing our best to provide you with At-Home Workouts and other forms of fitness routines...
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March 16, 2020 Strength: Front Squat On a 2:00 clock: 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 *Build in weight over all sets building to a heavy single. Complete a new set every 2:00. Metcon: 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 reps of: Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) Deadlifts (225/155)
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