
Kyle Hanigosky
October 27, 2018 Team WOD Teams of 3 complete the following: 100 Wall Balls (20/14) 100 Pull ups 100 Hand-Release Push ups 10 – 100ft Farmer Carry (70/53 x 2) *Must be completed Unbroken 100ft 100 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) 100 Calorie Row *15 min cap Rest 5:00 100 Calorie Row 100 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) 10...
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October 26, 2018 Strength: Push & Pull 5 x 5 Strict Press *Complete 10 Bent Over Barbell Rows after each working set of Strict Press. Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 1 Power Snatch (135/95) 2 Overhead Squats (135/95) 3 Clean & Jerks (135/95) 4 Box Jumps (30-36″/24-30″) *Work fluidly through the barbell movements and then take...
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October 25, 2018 Metcon: (For Time) 1000m Run 40 Handstand Push ups 30 Bar Facing Burpees 20 Bear Complexes* (135/95) *Bear Complex = Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press (Behind the Neck) Gymnastics Accessory Work: Work on Muscle ups and Handstand Walk Practice *15 minutes of skill...
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October 24, 2018 Strength: Snatch Conditioning 3 x 6 Power Snatch (Unbroken) Rest 1:00 after each set Rest 2:00 3 x 5 Power Snatch (Unbroken) Rest 1:00 after each set Rest 2:00 3 x 4 Power Snatch (Unbroken) Rest 1:00 after each set *The purpose of this Snatch Conditioning is to work on cycling snatches...
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October 23, 2018 Metcon: (For time) 24 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) Rx+(165/115) 72 Double Unders 16 Hang Power Cleans 48 Double Unders 8 Hang Power Cleans 24 Double Unders Directly into… 8 Deadlifts (225/155) Rx+(255/175) 24 Double Unders 16 Deadlifts 48 Double Unders 24 Deadlifts 72 Double Unders Gymnastics Conditioning: 8 Rounds of: :20 Max...
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October 22, 2018 Strength: Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 75% 3 x 2 @ 85% Metcon: (For time) 400m Run then, 30-25-20 reps of: Calorie Row Burpee to 6″ then, 400m Run
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