
Kyle Hanigosky
November 17, 2018 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete the following: 25 minute cap Part A: 6 Rounds (3 each person) (Buy-In) 200ft Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (53/35 x 2) then, Part B: 250 Calorie Row (1 person must always be rowing) Part C: 6 Rounds (each person) 10 Hand-Release Push ups 20 Air Squats 30...
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November 16, 2018 Strength: Squat Conditioning 12 minute EMOM Odd: 3 Front Squats Even: 6 Back Squats *Use 60% of Front Squat for both movements. Metcon: 3 Rounds of: 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 15 Pull ups 9 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
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November 15, 2018 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 7 Power Cleans 7 Burpees to 6″ 300m/200m Row *Every 2 Rounds, increase Power Clean weight. R1/2: 135/95 R3/4: 155/105 R5/6: 185/125 R7/8: 205/135 R9/10: 225/155 Conditioning: 21 Calorie Bike Rest 1:00 18 Calorie Bike Rest :45 15 Calorie Bike Rest :30 12 Calorie Bike Rest :15 9...
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November 14, 2018 Strength: Push & Pull 12 minute EMOM Odd: 3 Push Press (progressive loading each round) Even: 6 Strict Ring Rows* *Put feet up on box or plates.  For the Push Press, start around 60% and build from there. Metcon: (For time) 100 Double Unders 50 Dumbbell Step Overs (50/35 x 2 @...
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November 13, 2018 Metcon: (For time) 45 Deadlifts (135/95) 35 Hang Power Cleans 25 Push Jerks 15 Overhead Squats *Use same weight for all exercises. Gymnastics Conditioning: 8 Rounds of: :20 Max Effort Pull ups :40 Rest *Try to be consistent across all 8 sets. Happy Birthday to CrossFit member, Sean Highfill.  Have a great...
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November 12, 2018 Happy Veteran’s Day Thank you to all those who have served or are currently serving in our Armed Forces. Strength: Snatch 4 sets of: 3 Snatches @ 70-75% Snatches do not have to be Touch & Go, but quick Singles. Rest 1:00 between sets. Metcon: “JT” 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand Push ups...
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