
Kyle Hanigosky
January 26, 2019 Partner/Team WOD Coach Paul’s Choice!!!!
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January 25, 2019 Strength: Squat Cleans + Handstand Walks10 Squat Cleans @ 60%20ft Handstand Walk (1 Wall Walk)8 Squat Cleans @ 68%40ft Handstand Walk (3 Wall Walks)6 Squat Cleans @ 75%60ft Handstand Walk (5 Wall Walks)4 Squat Cleans @ 83%80ft Handstand Walk (7 Wall Walks)2 Squat Cleans @ 90%100ft Handstand Walk (9 Wall Walks)*Scale for...
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January 24, 2019 Metcon:25 minute EMOMMinute 1: 1-2 Rope Climbs (15′) Rx+(Legless)Minute 2: 6 Burpee + Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)Minute 3: 14/10 Calorie BikeMinute 4: 40 Unbroken Double Unders (80 Unbroken Singles)Minute 5. Rest Accessory:100 Push ups*Every break – complete 10 Barbell Curls (45/35)*10 min cap
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January 23, 2019 Strength: Push PressHeavy sets of:5-4-3-2-1 (progressive loading)*Complete 8 Barbell Bent Over Rows after each set. Metcon: “REPEAT WOD WEDNESDAY”This is a Repeat WOD from October 17, 201812 minute AMRAP2 Push Press (115/75)2 Toes-to-Bar2 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)4 Push Press4 Toes-to-Bar4 Box Jump Overs6 Push Press6 Toes-to-Bar6 Box Jump Overs…8-8-8, 10-10-10, and so...
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January 22, 2019 Gymnastics Conditioning:2 minute AMRAPMax Muscle ups (Ring or Bar) Rest 1:00 2 minute AMRAPMax Muscle ups (Ring or Bar)*Scaled option for Muscle ups = 2:1 Dips (Rings/Straight Bar/Box) Metcon:15 minute AMRAP27/21 Calorie Row21 GHD Sit ups15 Chest to Bar Pull ups9 Power Cleans (155/105)
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January 21, 2019 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT:NO 5:00AM CLASS TODAY.EVERYTHING ELSE IS REGULAR SCHEDULE. Strength: Overhead Squat & Squat SnatchA. Establish 2-Rep Overhead Squat(10:00 minutes) 2:00 RestB. Establish Heavy Squat Snatch(10:00 minutes) Metcon:“Death by Wall Balls” (30/20)*Athletes will start at 5 reps on the first minute, then add 1 rep each minute until they can no longer...
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