
Kyle Hanigosky
August 3, 2020 Strength: Front Squat 10-8-6-4-2 Every 3:00 x 5 sets: Set 1: 10 Reps Set 2: 8 Reps Set 3: 6 Reps Set 4: 4 Reps Set 5: 2 Reps *Build in weight over the 5 sets. Metcon: (For time) 60/48 Calorie Row 50 Hand-Release Push ups 40 Thrusters (95/65)
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August 1, 2020 Partner WOD In teams of 2 complete the following: 400m Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2) (BUY-IN) -then- 35 Deadlifts (225/155) 35 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 35 Calorie Bike 25 Deadlifts 25 Burpee Box Jump Overs 25 Calorie Bike 15 Deadlifts (185/125) 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 15 Calorie Bike -then- 400m...
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July 31, 2020 Strength: “Beast Builder Benchmark” 5:00 for Max Reps 5:00 Rest 5:00 for Max Reps 3 “Macho Man” Complexes (115/85) 3 “Macho Man” Complexes (135/95) 3 “Macho Man” Complexes (155/105) 3 “Macho Man” Complexes (185/125) 3 “Macho Man” Complexes (205/145) Max “Macho Man” Complexes (225/155) 1 Round of “Macho Man”: 3 Power Cleans...
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July 30, 2020 REMINDER: The 5:00pm Class is the Gymnastics Class.  We will be working on Skills and Drills of different Gymnastic Movements. Mobility Work: Spend 15:00 doing some Mobility Work of either Foam Rolling or Stretching Active Recovery: Not for time, but move with purpose: 50 Reps of Core Exercise (Athlete’s Choice)* 50ft Handstand...
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July 29, 2020 Strength: Snatch A. Snatch Technique 5 sets of: Snatch Deadlift* Hang Snatch Pull Hang Power Snatch *Go SLOW on this.  Do not just pull it from the floor.  Stay light with the weight and FOCUS on FORM!  Use this to get ready to Part B. B. Hang Power Snatch 10:00 to Build...
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July 28, 2020 Gymnastics Conditioning: 4 Rounds (Not for time) Max Set* of Pull ups or Chest-to-Bar Pull ups (Athlete’s Choice) 200m Recovery Run *If you are good at Pull ups or Chest-to-Bars (meaning you can do 10+ reps Unbroken) then your GOAL is to complete a large set of Pull ups or Chest-to-Bars.  If...
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