
Kyle Hanigosky
August 10, 2020 Strength: Power Clean With a 20:00 running clock: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 *Use this as a Baseline to build to a Heavy Single.  We can then use this Heavy Single moving forward. The sets of 5’s and 3’s must be completed as Touch & Go Reps. Metcon: (For time) “Grace” 30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)...
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August 8, 2020 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT: This will be the last weekend we will be offering two(2) Classes on Saturdays.  Starting next weekend, August 15th, we will be offering just one Saturday Class at 9:00am. Lately the 10:30am Class has had low attendance.  If the 9:00am becomes too crowded, we can always look to add the...
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August 7, 2020 Strength: Bench Press On a 2:00 clock: 5 sets of: 5 Bench Press *Start around 50% and build to a Heavy 5-Rep. Metcon: 6 minute AMRAP 5 Strict Pull ups 20 Jumping Lunges Rest 2:00 6 minute AMRAP 5 Burpee Pull ups 50 Double Unders
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August 6, 2020 REMINDER: Gymnastics Class is at the 5:00pm Class.  This week we will be revisiting the False Grip along with covering the Kipping Pull up and its Progressions.  Come join us and learn something NEW or refine your skills. Active Recovery: Every 6:00 x 4 Rounds: 25/20 Calorie Bike 400m Run Core/Midline: 100...
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August 5, 2020 Strength: Deadlift On a EMOM Clock: Min 1: 3 Reps @ 60% Min 2: 3 Reps @ 60% Min 3: 3 Reps @ 60% Min 4: 2 Reps @ 70% Min 5: 2 Reps @ 70% Min 6: 2 Reps @ 70% Min 7: 1 Rep @ 80% Min 8: 1 Rep...
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August 4, 2020 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 25 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 20 Toes-to-Bar 15 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80) Core/Midline: 2-3 Rounds of: 50ft Dumbbell Bear Crawl 30 Reverse Plank Knee Tucks 50ft Backwards Dumbbell Bear Crawl
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