
Kyle Hanigosky
October 27, 2019 Rest Day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CrossFit member, Karen Robinson.  Hope you have a GREAT DAY!!!  Also, Congratulations on becoming a brand new Grandmother!  So Exciting.  
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October 26, 2019 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT: The 9:00am Class will consist of the 2020 Open Workout 20.3 We will be running heats for those athletes that have signed up to take part in the Open.  All others, not signed up for the Open, can still do the workout, but they will be placed in later heats....
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October 25, 2019 Strength: Clean Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean *15 minutes to Establish a Heavy Complex Metcon:  3 Rounds of: 30 GHD Sit ups 50ft Handstand Walk* 100ft Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges (50/35 x 2) *Scale = 5 Wall Walks For those doing the Open Workout 20.3 either today or tomorrow, a substitute...
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October 24, 2019 Metcon: Partner WOD 2 Rounds of: 50 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 2000m Row *Burpees must be completed synchronized using the same bar.  Partners can partition the row as needed. Accessory Work: (If time permits) Coach’s Choice
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October 23, 2019 Strength: Power Snatch 5 x 3 @ 70-75% of Best Power Snatch *Reps DO NOT have to be Touch & Go, but quick singles. *Use this % from the single we established on October 9. Rest 1:00 between sets. Metcon: (For time) 4 Power Snatch (135/95) 1 Rope Climb (15′) 8 Power...
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October 22, 2019 Gymnastic Work: 3-4 Rounds (Not for time) 5 False Grip Ring Pulls 5 Strict Ring Dips OR 5 Dip Negatives 5 Toe Assisted Ring Muscle ups *Rest as needed between round.  Metcon: 16 minute AMRAP 45 Thrusters (95/65) 45 Toes-to-Bar 45 Power Cleans (95/65) 45 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
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October 21, 2019 Strength: Back Squat 3 x 3 @ 70% 3 x 2 @ 80% 3 x 1 @ 90% Rest as needed between sets. Metcon: 3 Rounds for time of: 21/18 Calorie Bike 10 Devil Presses (50/35 x 2)
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