
Kyle Hanigosky
December 7, 2019 REMINDER: Please bring a package of Diapers or Wipes to help Jason & Amber Geyer get ready for their new baby coming very soon… Partner WOD – “Baby Geyer WOD” Teams of 2: 1600m Row (Partner holds Med Ball at stomach) 100 Med Ball Step ups (Ball at stomach) 75 Wall Balls...
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December 6, 2019 Strength: Hang Power Clean EMOM x 3 3 Hang Power Cleans 1:00 Rest EMOM x 3 2 Hang Power Cleans 1:00 Rest EMOM x 3 1 Hang Power Clean *Progressive loading throughout the entire EMOM. Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 60 Double Unders 12 Deadlifts (155/105) 9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) 6 Handstand...
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December 5, 2019 Conditioning: 20 minutes of Rowing & Biking *On the 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, and 20:00 complete: 30 Abmat Sit ups 15 Hip Extensions *Depending on class size, switch rowing and biking after each break.  If class size isn’t large, you can stay on the same piece of equipment the whole 20:00. Gymnastics Work:...
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December 4, 2019 Barbell Conditioning & Capacity Every 3;00 x 4 Rounds: 7 Back Squats 5 Push Jerks 3 Thrusters *Use 50% of 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk.  If you don’t have a 1 Rep Max C&J, use 50% of the weight established in last Friday’s (11/29/19) Strength of 2 Squat Cleans + 1...
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December 3, 2019 Metcon: 3 x 4:00 AMRAP; Rest 4:00 between ARMAPs 12 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 15 Power Cleans 18/15 Calorie Row Round 1: 155/105 Round 2: 135/95 Round 3: 115/85 Core/Midline: 2-3 Rounds (Not for time) :30 Hollow Hold :30 Ring Support :30 Arch Hold Rest as needed between rounds.
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December 2, 2019 Strength: Deadlift + Gymnastics Every 2:30 x 5 sets: 3 Deadlifts* 50ft Handstand Walk or :30 Handstand Hold *Start around 65-70% and build to a Heavy set of 3 Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 4 Calorie Bike 4 Hand-Release Push ups 4 Pull ups 8 Calorie Bike 8 Hand-Release Push ups 8 Pull...
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