
Kyle Hanigosky
December 15, 2019 Rest Day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CrossFit member, Brian Jones.  Hope you have a GREAT DAY!!!
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December 14, 2019 Team WOD In teams of 3 complete: 100 Double Unders 90 Calorie Row 80 Deficit Plate Push ups 70 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 60 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 50ft OH Walking Plate Lunges – each team member (45/35) 60 Dumbbell Snatches 70 Box Jump Overs 80 Deficit Plate Push ups 90 Calorie Row...
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December 13, 2019 Strength: Clean Complex Every 1:30 x 7 Rounds: 1 Power Clean + 2 Squat Cleans *Build to a Heavy Complex over the 7 Rounds. Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 1 Round of “Mary” 1 Round of “DT” (155/105) *Round of “Mary” = 5 Handstand Push ups + 10 Pistol Squats + 15 Pull...
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December 12, 2019 Metcon: 20:00 AMRAP of: 7 Power Snatches* 7 Burpees to 6″ 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike *Increase weight every 2 Rounds: Rounds 1-2: 95/65 Rounds 3-4: 115/75 Rounds 5-6: 135/95 Rounds 7-8: 155/105 Rounds 9-10: 185/125 Accessory Work: If time permits
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December 11, 2019 Strength: Front Squat 5-4-3-1-1-1 *Start around 65-70% and build in weight. Begin a new set every 2:30. Metcon: Every 3:00 x 4 Rounds: 1-2 Rope Climbs (15′) 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) 15 Unbroken Wall Balls* (20/14) *Wall Balls must be completed as an Unbroken set or that set will not count and...
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December 10, 2019 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete: 100/80 Calorie Row 60/50 Calorie Ski 15 Bar Muscle ups 40 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35 x 2 @ 24″/20″) 15 Bar Muscle ups 60/50 Calorie Ski 100/80 Calorie Row *Teams of 2 Men: 100 Cal Row and 60 Cal Ski Team of 2 Women: 80...
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December 9, 2019 Strength: Push Press On a 2:00 Clock: 3-3-2-2-1-1 *Build to a heavy single. Metcon: 4 Rounds for time: 6 Devil Presses (50/35 x 2) 12 Toes-to-Bar 24 Lunge Jumps
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