
Kyle Hanigosky
March 30, 2020 “The Quarantine Program” (Week #2) Today starts the second week of our temporary At-Home Programming.  Athletes are to choose a different Program than they completed last week.  If you did Program A, choose either Program B or C to complete for this week. Remember, the program you choose needs to be based...
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March 28, 2020 Saturday At-Home WOD “Spell Your Name” Using the letters and corresponding exercises, Spell your Name (First and Last) to create your workout: A: 50 Jumping Jacks B: 20 Sit ups C: 30 Air Squats D: 15 Push ups E: 1:00 Wall Sit F: 10 Burpees G: 20 Alternating Dumbbell/Kettlebell Snatches H: 20...
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March 27, 2020 Warm Up: 2 Rounds of: :30 Jumping Jacks 15 Sit to Straddle :30 Mountain Climbers 10 Squats w/ :03 Pause in bottom :30 Soldier Kicks 5 Inch Worms + Push up SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell) Workout 5 For time: 50 DB/KB Push Press 50 DB/KB Front Squats 50 DB/KB Sumo-Deadlift High Pull** 50 DB/KB...
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March 26, 2020 Warm Up: 3 Rounds of: 100m Run 10 Plate Ground to Overhead 20 Lunge Steps 10 Plate Front Squats 30 Jump Rope SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell) Workout 4 Every 5:00 x 5 Rounds: 14 Alternating DB/KB Snatch 60 Double Unders (120 Singles) 14 Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Squats* (7 per arm) 10 x 10m...
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March 25, 2020 Warm Up (can be used with all programs) 2 Rounds: :30 Jumping Jacks :30 High Knees :30 Butt Kicks :30 Push up to Down Dog :30 Sit to Straddle :30 Burpees then, Complete a few Reps of each exercise in your program SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell) Workout 3 15 minute AMRAP 7 Handstand Push...
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March 24, 2020 SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell) Workout 2 0:00 – 5:00 Max Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings 5:00 – 7:00 Rest 7:00 – 10:00 Max Bent Over Row (DB/KB/Plate) 10:00- 12:00 Rest 12:00 – 22:00 As many rounds as possible of: 10 Burpees 30 Power Jacks SCCF-B (Med Ball/Abmat/Band) Workout 2 15 minute AMRAP 25 Med Ball Mountain Climbers...
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March 23, 2020 “The Quarantine Program” Today starts our temporary At-Home Programming.  Athletes are to choose 1 of 3 programs: SCCF-A, SCCF-B, or SCCF-C, “check-out” the necessary equipment, and follow that program for a full week. At the end of the week, Athletes will exchange out their equipment and rotate to the next program.  DO...
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