
Kyle Hanigosky
April 13, 2020 EQUIPMENT VERSION Strength Conditioning: 8 Rounds of: :20 Air Squats :10 Squat Hold at bottom of Squat Metcon: Every 5:00 x 4 Rounds: 800m Run AMRAP in remaining time: Handstand Push ups *Not sure on 800m, run approximately 4:00. **For those that have a rower or bike, you can substitute 1000m Row...
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April 12, 2020 Rest Day. HAPPY EASTER! Rejoice for HE has Risen!!!
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April 11, 2020 Live Zoom Workout at 2:00pm Weather will be nicer in the afternoon than in the morning. Link and PW is posted on the SCCF Underground Page. Warm up: :30 ON/:15 OFF x 2 Rounds High Knees Air Squats/Front Squat Butt Kicks Push up to Down Dog/Burpees Ostrich Stretch Deadlift/Plate Ground to Overhead...
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April 10, 2020 EQUIPMENT VERSION Strength: EMOM x 10 minutes Odd: 12 Banded Kettlebell Swings Even: 12 Banded Good Mornings *Focus on staying engaged on both movements.  Don’t let the band control you.  Really focus on using your hips on the Swings and stretch those hamstrings on the Good Mornings. Metcon: (For time) 10 to...
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April 9, 2020 EQUIPMENT VERSION Metcon: 15:00 Ascending Ladder 2 Strict Pull ups 2 DB/KB or Barbell Front Squats 2 DB/KB or Barbell Facing Burpees 4 Strict Pull ups 4 DB/KB or Barbell Front Squats 4 DB/KB or Barbell Facing Burpees 6-6-6, 8-8-8, and so on… adding 2 reps to each exercise. Conditioning: :40 ON/:20...
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April 8, 2020 EQUIPMENT VERSION Dumbbell/Kettlebell Strength Primer: 3 sets: (each arm) 5 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Snatch 4 Lateral Lunge to Press 3 Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Squat Switch arms, then rest as needed between sets. Metcon: A. 0:00 – 7:00 3 Rounds of: 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Single Arm Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (DB or KB) B....
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April 7, 2020 EQUIPMENT VERSION Metcon: 5 Rounds for time: 80 Double Unders 40 Abmat Sit ups* 20 Burpees Rest 1:00 between rounds.   Record your score for each round. *If you don’t have an Abmat, just do regular sit ups. Extra: 5:00 Banded March/Step up *This simulates doing a sled drag. NO EQUIPMENT VERSION Metcon:...
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