
Kyle Hanigosky
May 7, 2017 Rest Day.  Stay tuned to Facebook for Open Gym time. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our New Class, “SCCF SWEAT” will be starting the week of May 15th.  This class will take place on Mondays at 5:00pm and 6:00pm and Fridays at 5:00pm.  This class is a high intensity cardio class that will focus on improving...
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May 6, 2017 Partner WOD Teams of 3, complete the following for time: 25 Toes-to-Bar (each person) 50 Calorie Assault Bike (team) 100 Power Snatches (125lb/85lb) (team) 200 Double Unders (each person) *Each team member is to complete the 25 TTB and the 200 Double Unders, but the team completes the Assault Bike and Snatches...
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May 5, 2017 Strength: A. Thruster 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% *If you don’t have or know your 1 Rep Thruster, use your 1 Rep Push Press. B. Core/Midline: Rx: 1. Accumulate 5:00 in a Plank (high or low) 2. 3 x 20 Full Body Crunches Scaled: 1. Accumulate 3:00 in...
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May 4, 2017 Conditioning: 21 minute EMOM Min. 1: 7 Strict Handstand Push ups Min 2: 7 Power Cleans (165lb/115lb) Min 3: 50 Double Unders (Scaled: 35 Double Unders) Accessory: 3 Rounds: (not for time) 10 Calorie Ski Erg 15 Kettlebell Rows (per side) 20 Straight Arm Band Pull Downs
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May 3, 2017 Metcon: 4 Rounds for time of: 10 Kettlebell Snatches – Left (53lb/35lb) 20 Abmat Sit ups 10 Kettlebell Snatches – Right 20 Hand-Release Push ups Accessory Work: 10 x 200ft Sprints Rest – :10 after first, :15 after 2nd, :20 after 3rd, then add :02 per sprint after that. COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT CLASS...
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May 2, 2017 Strength: A. Cleans (Squat Cleans) 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% *These Do Not have to be Touch & Go.  Take your time on the higher percentages and hit each rep. B. Pull ups Rx: 1. 3 sets of: Max Effort Deadhang Pull ups 2. 3 sets of: 10...
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May 1, 2017 Strength: Cycle 2, Week 1 A. Back Squat 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 5+ @ 85% B. Push Press 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 5+ @ 85% Metcon: 15 minute AMRAP 15 Toes-to-Bar 400m Run 15 GHD Sit ups/Hip Extensions* *Switch each round between GHD Sit ups and Hip Extensions.
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