
Kyle Hanigosky
May 21, 2017 Rest Day. Stay tuned to Facebook for possible Open Gym time.
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May 20, 2017 Partner WOD Teams of 2, complete the following with a running clock: 0:00 – 7:00 AMRAP 10 Burpees 30 Double Unders *Partner 1 completes a full round, then partner 2 completes a round. 7:00 – 10:00  Rest 10:00 – 20:00 10 minutes to establish: Heavy Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk *Each...
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May 19, 2017 Strength: A. Thruster 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1 @ 95% B. Core/Midline Rx: 2 sets of: :30 High Plank + :30 Hollow Hold + :30 Low Plank + 30 Hollow Rocks *Every fall = 10 Toes-to-Bar at end of set. Scaled: 2 sets of: :30 High Plank + :20 Hollow...
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May 18, 2017 SCHEDULE REMINDER: The 4:30pm CrossFit Class is YOGA tonight instead of CrossFit.  You can attend a Yoga Class for $10 or you can purchase a 5 Class Pass for $35.  There will also be a Yoga Class this Saturday at 11:00am Metcon: (For time) “Made in 1977” 40 Calorie Bike or Ski...
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May 17, 2017 Metcon: (For time) 50 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) 30 Overhead Squats (135lb/95lb) 50 Wall Balls Conditioning: 5 x 200m Run *Rest 1:00 between runs. COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT – 5:30pm 2017 Regional Event #3 (slightly scaled version) 100′ DB Overhead Walking Lunge (50lb/35lb) 100 Double Unders 50 Wall Balls (20lb/14lb) 10 Rope Climbs (15′) 50...
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May 16, 2017 Strength: A. Cleans (Squat Cleans) 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1 @ 95% 1 @ New PR Attempt B. Pull ups Rx: 1. Butterfly Pull up Progressions 2. 18-15-12 of Pull ups (Rest 1:00 between sets) *Goal is least amount of sets to complete the larger set. Scaled: 1. Kipping or...
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May 15, 2017 Strength: Cycle 2, Week 3 A. Back Squat 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% B. Push Press 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% Metcon: 10 minute AMRAP 4 Deadlifts (315lb/225lb) 8 Deficit Handstand Push ups (6″/3″)
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