
Kyle Hanigosky
June 18, 2017 Rest Day.  Stay tuned to Facebook for possible Open Gym time.   Happy Father’s Day to all those Fathers out there.
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June 17, 2017 Partner WOD In teams of 2, complete the following for time: 30 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 20 Calorie Row (each) 15 Power Snatches (135/95) 600m Run Together w/ Medicine Ball (20/14) 15 Power Snatches 20 Calorie Row (each) 30 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees *The Burpees must be synchronized and completed together.  Each...
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June 16, 2017 Strength: A. Lunges (Overhead) 1 x 8 @ 95/65 1 x 8 @ 115/75 1 x 8 @ 135/95 *Lunges are 2:1, so that’s 8 on each leg. B. Snatch-Grip Deadlift 5 x 3 @ 75-85% Metcon: (For time) 21 Thrusters (115/75) 9 Muscle ups 15 Thrusters 7 Muscle ups 9 Thrusters...
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June 15, 2017 Metcon: 3 Rounds for time of: 800m Run 25-50-75-100ft Double Kettlebell Front Rack Shuttle (53/35) 100ft Sled Drag (205/160) Stretching & Mobility Spend time stretching and working mobility
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June 14, 2017 Conditioning #1: 3 Rounds each of :40 on/:20 off of: Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Hand-Release Push ups Goblet Squats (53/35) Calories on Assault Bike or Ski Erg Rest 1:00 between rounds. *Rotate through exercises. Conditioning #2: Sprint Chipper (for time) 42 Wall Balls (20/14) 30 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 18 Burpees to 6″...
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June 13, 2017 Strength: A. Snatch (Squat Snatch) 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1 @ 95% 3 attempts @ New Snatch PR B. Bounding 1. Agility Ladder – Skills and Drills 2. 3 x 8 Seated Box Jumps Metcon: “Death by Clean & Jerk” (145/105) *On the first minute complete 1 C & J,...
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June 12, 2017 Strength: Cycle 3, Week 3 A. Overhead Squat 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% B. Push Jerk 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 30 Double Unders 15 Pull ups 5 Overhead Squats (135/95)
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