
Kyle Hanigosky
July 2, 2017 Rest Day.  Get out and Enjoy your Sunday. Reminder: Monday is Regular Scheduled Classes. Tuesday Gym is Open from 9:00am – 11:00am for the SCCF PUMP & RUN
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July 1, 2017 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete the following 22 minute AMRAP: 25 Calorie Row (as a team) 10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees (together) 10 Thrusters @ 95/65 (each) 25 Calorie Row (as a team) 10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 10 Thrusters @ 115/75 25 Calorie Row 10 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 10...
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June 30, 2017 Gymnastics: A. 5 x :15 Wall Kick up OR B. 5 x Max Effort Handstand Walk or Freestanding Hold Strength: 10 Cleans @ 135/95 Rx+(185/125) 8 Cleans @ 165/115 (205/135) 6 Cleans @ 185/125 (225/155) 4 Cleans @ 205/135 (245/165) 2 Cleans @ 225/155 (275/185) Metcon: (For time) 300 Double Unders *Every...
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June 29, 2017 Metcon 20 minute EMOM Min. 1: 12-15 GHD Sit ups Min. 2: 8-10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) Min. 3: 3-5 Muscle ups Min. 4: Rest Accessory Work 3-4 Rounds: (Not for time) 15 Reverse Hypers 20 Plank Up & Downs :30 Hollow Hold
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June 28, 2017 Gymnastics: A. 3 x 10 Weighted Push ups *Choose own weight; rest as needed between sets. B. 5 x 3 Ring Push w/ 5 sec hold at bottom Metcon 3 Rounds for time: 800m Run 100ft 1-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunges (50/35)* *Switch arms every 50ft. COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT CLASS – 5:30pm For Time:...
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June 27, 2017 Strength: Back Squat Every 2:00 x 4 5 Back Squats @ 70-75% Metcon: 20 Snatches (115/75) Rx+(135/95) 800m Row 20 Snatches Conditioning: (if time permits) 5 x 20 Calorie Row 1:00 Rest between sets.
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June 26, 2017 Gymnastic Skill: 50 Elevated Ring Rows (feet on box) *10 Hollow Rocks every break Strength: Bench Press: 3 x 6 Metcon: (For time) 400m Run then,  21-15-9 reps of: Box Jumps (24″/20″) Handstand Push ups then,  400m Run
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