
Kyle Hanigosky
August 13, 2017 Rest Day. Get outside and enjoy your day.
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August 12, 2017 Partner WOD In teams of 2 complete the following: 20 minute AMRAP 1 mile Run (alternate every 400m) then, AMRAP remaining time: 2 Ring Muscle ups* 6 Burpees 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) *Scaled = 6 Ring Dips Cash Out/Burner 3 Rounds: (follow-the-leader format) 250m Row 15 Toes-to-Bar *Partner 1 starts on...
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August 11, 2017 Gymnastics: Wall Walks 3 sets of: 3 Wall Walks + 5 Lat. Wall Walks* *On the 3rd Wall Walk complete 5 Lateral Walks to the right and left. Strength: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 10 minute EMOM: 1 + 1 @ 70%-75% Metcon: 21-15-9 reps of: Squat Snatch (115/75) Pull ups *At...
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August 10, 2017 Metcon: (For time) 100 Calorie Row 75 GHD Sit ups 50 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) Accessory: 3 Rounds (Not for time) 50ft Handstand Walk (1:00 Handstand Hold) 100ft Farmer Carry (70/53 per hand) 150ft Reverse Sled Drag (185/125)
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August 9, 2017 Gymnastics: A. Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull ups 5 x Max Effort (Try to get 5-8) *Rest as needed between sets. B. Dumbbell Skull Crushers 4 x 10 *Rest as needed between sets. Metcon: 3 Rounds for time: 80 Double Unders 50 Air Squats 800m Run COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT CLASS – 5:30pm Snatch Warm up...
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August 8, 2017 Strength: Hang Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats Every :90 x 10 Rounds (Climbing) Metcon: 9 minute AMRAP 3 Hang Cleans (165/115) Rx+ (185/125) 3 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115) 6 Bar Facing Burpees
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August 7, 2017 Gymnastics: A. Strict Dips 3 x Max Effort *Rest as needed between sets. B. Toes-to-Bar 3 x 10 Unbroken (or best set if not able to get 10) *Rest as needed between sets. Strength: Push Press 10 Rep Benchmark *We did this back on July 3rd.  See if you can match what...
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