
Kyle Hanigosky
September 10, 2017 Rest Day.  Get out and enjoy your day. Stay tuned to Facebook for possible Open Gym time.
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September 9, 2017 “Morgan” For time: 16 Wall Balls (20/14) 4 Clean & Jerks (205/145) 16 Wall Balls 8 Clean & Jerks (185/125) 16 Wall Balls 12 Clean & Jerks (165/115) 16 Wall Balls 16 Clean & Jerks (135/95) Rest 5:00 “Morgan’s Sweet 16” 3 Rounds of: 16 Calorie Bike 8 Bar Muscle ups *Scale...
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September 8, 2017 Gymnastics: A. Box Jumps – Rebounding 3 x 10 *Focus on rebounding off the floor.  Make each rep fast, not necessarily the entire set. B. Toes-thru-Rings 3 x 15 Strength: Press Complex 3 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk 5 sets: Build to a Heavy Complex Metcon: (For...
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September 7, 2017 Mobility: Work on weaknesses in Mobility (10 minutes) Conditioning: 3 Rounds: 1:00 Burpees to 6″ 2:00 Rest Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 100ft Sled Push 3 Rope Climbs (15′) 15 GHD Sit ups
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September 6, 2017 Gymnastics A. Barbell Step ups 4 x 8 (2:1) (prog, loading) B. Hollow Body Press Downs 4 x 10 *Use PVC & Bands to complete Press Downs while laying in the Hollow Body Position. Metcon: (For time) 400m Run 27 Thrusters (95/65) 400m Run 21 Thrusters 400m Run 15 Thrusters 400m Run...
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September 5, 2017 Strength: Squat Cleans Take 50% of last Tuesday’s (Aug. 29) Heavy Deadlift, then complete: 15 Cleans for time 12 Cleans for time 9 Cleans for time *Rest as needed between each set.  Each set is for time. Metcon: 3 Rounds for time: 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 15 Ring Dips 9 Handstand Push...
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September 4, 2017 Happy Labor Day 9:00am and 10:00am Classes ONLY Gymnastics: A. Handstand Hold Tabata: 8 x :20 on/:10 off B. L-Hang Accumulate 2:00 Strength: Front Squat Establish Heavy Single (6:00) then, 3 Reps at 90% of above single Metcon: 4 Rounds (Not for time) Max Effort Bench Press Max Effort L-Pull ups *Rest...
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