
Kyle Hanigosky
October 29, 2017 Rest Day.  Stay tuned to Facebook for Open Gym time.
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October 28, 2017 Partner WOD Teams of 2, complete the following: “Karen – a Robinson Special” 10 minute AMRAP 77 Burpees Over the Rower AMRAP Calorie Row & Double Unders *Partner 1 is on the Rower while  Partner 2 is doing Double Unders.  Once Partner 2 messes up or stops on Double Unders, switch. Rest...
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October 27, 2017 Strength: 1 Deadlift + 2 Squat Cleans (Touch & Go) EMOM x 10 Min. 1 & 2: 60% Min. 3 & 4: 65% Min. 5 & 6: 70% Min. 7 & 8: 75% Min. 9 & 10: 80% Metcon: 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 reps of: Power Snatch (95/65) 6-12-18-24-18-12-6 reps of: Wall Balls (20/14) Cash...
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October 26, 2017 Metcon: “Rene” 7 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Walking Lunges 15 Pull ups 9 Burpees Accessory: 3 Rounds (not for time) Banded Y’s Banded T’s Banded V’s *Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades on each rep.
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October 25, 2017 Gymnastics: 4 Rounds (not for time, QUALITY) 7 Ring Push ups (:03 Negative + :01 Drive up) :30 Arch Hold 10 Calorie Ski Erg Metcon: With a 20:00 running clock: Max Distance Row Every 5:00, starting at 0:00 complete: 6 Strict Handstand Push ups 8 Strict Toes-to-Bar 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70/53)...
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October 24, 2017 Strength: Overhead 1-Arm Lunges 4 x 100ft (50ft-R, 50ft-L) *Run 200m after each set.  Use a Kettlebell or Dumbbell for the 1-Arm Lunges. Metcon: 5 Rounds for time of: 10 Back Squats (155/105) 20 Sit ups 30 Double Unders
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October 23, 2017 Gymnastics: 2:00 AMRAP: Wall Climbs 1:00 Rest 2:00 AMRAP: Strict Ring Rows (No Momentum) 1:00 Rest 2:00 AMRAP: Full Body Crunch Strength: Strict Press: 1-1-1 Push Press: 1-1-1 Push Jerk: 1-1-1 *Goal is to increase the load on each of the reps. Metcon: 10 minute AMRAP 3 Ring Dips 3 Clean &...
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