
Kyle Hanigosky
December 3, 2017 Rest Day.  Get out and enjoy your day.
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December 2, 2017 Partner WOD In teams of 2, complete the following: 20 minute AMRAP 10 Alternating Dumbbell/KB Snatches (50/35) 10 Calorie Row 10 Wall Balls (30/20) *Partner 1 completes a full round, then Partner 2 goes.  Alternate rounds for the 20 minutes. Rest 5:00 7 minute AMRAP 2 Power Cleans (135/95) – Partner 1...
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December 1, 2017 Strength: Front Squats 3 x 3 @ 80% 3 x 1 @ 85% Metcon: 400m Run then, 15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Box Jumps (24″/20″) Toes-to-Bar Kettlebell Swings (53/35) then, 400m Run Gymnastics: (if time allows) EMOM x 9 Min. 1: 5 False Grip Ring Pull-Thrus Min. 2: 5 Strict Dips Min. 3: 5...
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November 30, 2017 Conditioning: Death by Shuttle Sprint (50ft out, 50ft back) Rest 5:00 Metcon: With a 25:00 running clock, complete: 0:00 – 5:00 50 Calorie Row AMRAP Ground to Overhead (155/105) 5:00 – 10:00 Rest 10:00 – 15:00 40 Calorie Row AMRAP Hang Squat Clean (135/95) 15:00 – 20:00 Rest 20:00 – 25:00 30...
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November 29, 2017 Gymnastics: 3 Rounds of: 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb (Scale = :15 Rope Hold (Arms Only) + 1 Rope Climb) 6 Wall Climbs 12 Alternating Pistol Squats (Scale = 18 Close Stance Squats) Metcon: 18 minute AMRAP 40 Double Unders 20 GHD Sit ups 10 Power Snatch (135/95) COMPETITIVE...
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November 28, 2017 Strength: Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-1 *Build to a heavy 5, heavy 3, and heavy 1. Metcon: 3 – 5:00 AMRAPs 3 Deadlifts (275/185) 6 Bar Facing Burpees 9 Pull ups *Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs.
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November 27, 2017 Strength: 2-3 Rounds for QUALITY: 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 15 Dumbbell Bent Over Row 20 Seated Strict Press* (45/35) 25 Band Pull Aparts *For the Seated Strict Press, use just a barbell and be seated on the floor.  For the Bench Press and Bent Over Row, choose your own weight for the...
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