
Kyle Hanigosky
December 10, 2017 Rest Day. Get out and finish that Christmas Shopping!  
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December 9, 2017 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete the following for time: 150 Calorie Row Partner holds Deadlift (225/145) while other partner rows.  Must switch when bar is dropped. Straight into… 150 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) Partner holds top of dip while partner does Shoulder to Overhead.  Must switch when the dip hold is...
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December 8, 2017 Strength: Every 1:30 x 5 Rounds Clean* + Push Jerk + Split Jerk 60%-65%-70%-75%-80% *Clean can be Power or Squat. Rest 1:30 Every 1:00 x 5 Rounds: 1 Heavy Squat Clean Metcon: 5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Front Squat (205/135) Strict Handstand Push ups Box Jumps (30+”/24+”) Strict Pull ups
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December 7, 2017 Metcon: E2MOM x 30 minutes First 2 minutes  2 Rounds of: 1 Rope Climb (15′) 12 Lunge Jumps (6 each leg) Next 2 minutes 400ft Run (2 Down & Backs) 15 Russian Swings (70/53) Next 2 minutes 30 Wall Balls (20/14) Then back to Rope Climbs and Lunge Jumps, repeating this pattern...
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December 6, 2017 Metcon: 10 minute AMRAP 250m Row 8 Burpees over Rower 8 Strict Ring Dips Rest 5:00 10 minute AMRAP 100ft Shuttle Sprint 8 Hand-Release Push ups 8 Double Kettlebell Squats (53/35) Gymnastics/Accessory: 3 Rounds (not for time) 8 Double Kettlebell/Dumbbell Curl + Press (Curl + Press = 1) 8 Double KB Deadlift...
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December 5, 2017 Strength: Back Squats Good Warm up , then: 5 x 1 @ 90% Metcon: 2 Rounds of: 10 Unbroken Power Snatch (95/65) 50 Double Unders 200m Sprint Rest 2:00, Repeat 2 more rounds.
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December 4, 2017 Strength: Squat Snatch On the 1:30 x 7 Rounds 3 Squat Snatches *Start around 60-65% and build from there.  Don’t exceed 90%.  *Snatches do not have to be touch and go, but quick singles. Metcon: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Hang Clean & Jerk (135/95) Chest-to-Bar Pull ups* *Scale = 2:1 Jumping Chest to Bar...
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