
Kyle Hanigosky
January 6, 2018 Strength (Gymnastics): 6 x 3 Strict Pull ups (Rx+ Weighted – AHAP) *Complete a 150m Ski after each set. Partner WOD Teams of 2 or 3 complete the following: 25 minute AMRAP 50 Handstand Push ups 50 Bench Press (165/115) 50 10m Shuttle Sprints* 50 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) *10m = 30ft. Every...
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January 5, 2018 Strength: Cleans 6 x 3 @ 70% *These are to be completed as Touch & Go Cleans.  Do 3 sets Power Cleans and 3 sets Squat Cleans.  Rest as needed between sets. Metcon: 2 sets, each for time of: 50 Wall Balls (30/20) *Every break/stop = 5 Burpees to 6″ Touch.  Rest...
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January 4, 2018 Strength (Gymnastics): 6 x 3 Dips (Rx+ Weighted – AHAP) *Complete a :30 Hollow Hold after each set of Dips.  For the Dips and Hollow Hold, focus on Good Positioning. Metcon: 4 Rounds for time: 30 Double Unders 15 Deadlifts (185/125) 15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) Accessory: TBD if time left
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January 3, 2018 Strength: Deadlifts EMOM x 6 3 @ 70% Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 8 Power Snatch (95/65) 10 Burpees COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT CLASS – 5:30pm AMRAP 10: Row for Meters On the 1:00… 1 Box Jump Over (24/20) On the 2:00… 2 Box Jump Overs (24/20) On the 3:00… 3 Box Jump Overs (24/20)...
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January 2, 2018 Today we begin an 8 Week “Open Prep” Strength & Conditioning Cycle.  There are three main GOALS for this cycle. 1. To increase PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION for the 10-15 minute range. 2. To increase MENTAL TOUGHNESS. 3. To familiarize YOURSELF with rep schemes for “Open” Specific Movements. For those looking to participate in...
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January 1, 2018 GYM CLOSED. Happy New Year from our families to yours.
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