
Kyle Hanigosky
February 4, 2018 Rest Day. It’s SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!!  
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February 3, 2018 Partner WOD Teams of 2, complete the following: “Mullins-Geyer-Hatt” In recognition of Rita Mullins, Jason Geyer, and Trint Hatt who all celebrated birthdays this week. A. 10 minute AMRAP 50ft Handstand Walk (Scale = 3 Wall Walks) 50ft Sled Drag (start at 70/50, add 45/25 after each Rnd) *Partners must each complete...
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February 2, 2018 Strength (Gymnastics): 12 minute EMOM Odd: 5-8 Strict Pull ups Even: 20-40 Double Unders Metcon: 6 Rounds of: 500m Row *Rest 2-3 mins between rounds.  Push Hard on these Rows, but at the same time, try to be consistent with your times. Accessory: If time allows
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February 1, 2018 Strength: Clean & Jerk Build to a Heavy Double Clean & Jerk *Reps do not have to be Touch & Go.  You can drop and rest.  Try to complete the second rep within 10-15 seconds. Metcon: 5 Rounds of: 9 Bench Press (185/125) 12 Box Jumps Conditioning: 3-5 Rounds of: 200m Ski...
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January 31, 2018 Strength: Push Press 9 minute AMRAP Push Press @ 75% *Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Push Press.  If form starts to fail, take your time and rest. Metcon: (For time) 15-12-9 reps of:  Front Squats (155/105) 30-25-20 reps of: Push ups COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT CLASS – 5:30pm Gymnastics Chipper For...
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January 30, 2018 Strength: Deadlifts 9 minute AMRAP Deadlifts @ 75% *Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Deadlifts.  If form starts to fail, take your time and rest. Barbell Technique: Work on Squat Snatches and Technique to warm up for the WOD Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 5 Squat Snatches (135/95) 10 Toes-to-Bar
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January 29, 2018 Week #5: Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program Continue to push hard through these Strength AMRAPs this week and really start focusing on these WODs.  Keep your head in the game and keep up the hard work. Strength: Back Squats 9 minute AMRAP Back Squats @ 75% *Be sure to keep GOOD...
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