
Kyle Hanigosky
September 16, 2018 Rest Day.  Get out and enjoy your day.
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September 15, 2018 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete the following For time: 800m Run (run together holding band) then, 10 Rounds (Alternating each Rnd) 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 5 Burpees to 6″ then, 800m Run (run together holding band)
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September 14, 2018 Strength: Power Cleans (Pausing) 5 x 3 Power Cleans *Pause :03 with each rep in the receiving position. Try increasing weight with each set.  Do not just catch and stand.  Goal is to work on receiving in the mid-range position. Use your 1 RMx established on August 13. Metcon: 10 minute AMRAP...
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September 13, 2018 Metcon: Hero WOD – “PK” 5 Rounds of: 10 Back Squats (225/155) 10 Deadlifts (275/185) 400m Sprint *Rest 2:00 between rounds.  Use one bar for both movements.  After your last back squat, drop the bar off your back, load for the deadlifts.  During the 2:00 rest, place bar back on the rack....
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September 12, 2018 Strength: Snatch Complex Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch Every 1:15 x 6 Sets @ 70-75% Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15… and so on of: Chest-to-Bar Pull ups Power Snatch (115/75) GYMNASTICS CLASS @ 5:30 Come get your gymnastics skills and drills.
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September 11, 2018 9/11 Tribute WOD “The Twin Towers” For time: 2001m Row or Run 110 Burpees 110 Weighted Step ups (53/35) *If you have a weighted vest or body armor wear it.
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September 10, 2018 Strength: Push Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1 *Start around 65-70% and build to a Heavy Single.  Use this as a guide to determine where you are right now so we can use these new numbers as we move forward. Metcon: “CF Open WOD 15.5” For time; 27-21-15-9 reps of: Calorie Row Thrusters (95/65)
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