
January 28, 2017 Team WOD – “Mullins” Teams of 3 complete each of the following sections. A. 10 minute AMRAP 9 Handstand Push ups or 3 Wall Climbs 40ft Sled Pull (start at 70lb/50lb) – this is 1 plate + sled *Each team member will complete the Handstand Push ups or the Wall Climbs and...
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January 27, 2017 Strength: A: Snatch: 4×2 (prog. loading) B. Clean: 4×2 (prog. loading) *Both the Snatches and the Cleans are full squats.  These do not have to be touch and go, but reset quickly and hit the second rep. Metcon: “Death by Deadlift & Bar Facing Burpees” Weight: Men: 225lb, Women: 155lb *On minute...
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January 26, 2017 Metcon: 10 minutes: Establish 2 Rep Overhead Squat Rest 3:00 12 minute AMRAP 21 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 15 Overhead Squats (95lb/65lb) 9 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
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January 26, 2017 Metcon: 10 minutes: Establish 2 Rep Overhead Squat Rest 3:00 12 minute AMRAP 21 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 15 Overhead S
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January 25, 2017 Conditioning: 24 minute AMRAP Row for Max Distance *Every 4:00 stop and complete a 400m Run. Push & Pull Accessory: 8 minute AMRAP 10 Ring Dips 1 Rope Climb (15′) GYM-DURANCE COMP CLASS – 5:30pm 4 minute EMOM Min 1: 1 Clean (155lb/115lb) + 2 Bar Facing Burpees Min 2: 2 Cleans...
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January 24, 2017 Strength: A. Back Squats: 3×6 (prog. loading)B. Snatch Grip Deadlift: 3×5 (prog. loading) *Focus on setting up for a good Snatch position with a HOOK GRIP, and keeping that bar nice and close as you pull that bar up the legs.  Remember, pull it like a Snatch, not a standard Deadlift. Metcon:...
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January 23, 2017 Strength: Week #4 A. Strict Press: 3×5 (prog. loading) B. Bench Press: 3×5 (prog. loading) Metcon: CrossFit Open Workout 11.3 5 minute AMRAP Squat Clean & Jerk (165lb/110lb)
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