April 15, 2017

Partner WOD
We are going  to celebrate Easter CrossFit style. It is called THE JESUS WOD, and it is meant to symbolize the sacrifice Jesus made for us.  As a small representation of what Jesus went through prior to his crucifixion, the workout is  undeniably brutal.  It will be a time for you to reflect on the gift all of us have been given.  The WOD represents 14 stations of the Cross with the three time Jesus fell to the ground.
Teams of 2 complete the following – alternate rounds between the two team members. 

“The Jesus WOD”
14 Rounds for time: (alt. rounds)
10 Deadlifts (95lb/65lb)
10 Hang Squat Cleans
10 Push Press
50ft of Walking Lunges with barbell on back.
*At no point does the barbell touch the ground until rounds 3, 7, and 9.  If it does, each person must complete 5 burpees before continuing.
Rounds 3, 7, & 9 complete 7 Turkish Get Ups (as a team) with 53lb/35lb Kettlebell.

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