June 10, 2017

We will ONLY be running one CrossFit Class today at 10:00am for the “Jude” Kraft fundraiser WOD to benefit Ben Kraft & Family.  Donations will be accepted at the gym.  Please come out and show your support.
There will still be KidsFit and Oly Lifting at 9:00am.

6 Rounds for time:
6 Cleans (135lb/95lb)
6 Pull ups
6 Burpees
*This workout is part of the CCRC fundraiser to honor Jude Kraft and the entire Kraft Family. 100% of the donations will be going into a fund for their daughter Alivia’s education. Columbus Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center is going to match donations up to $5,000. We will be accepting donations via cash and check. Checks should be made out to the Jude Kraft Memorial Fund. If you cannot attend, but still want to make a donation, you can drop off your donation at the gym over the weekend or early next week.  Thank you for your help in supporting this cause.

Gymnastic Skills and Drills:
2 x 15 Toes-to-Bar or Toes-thru Rings
30 Push ups
2 x 20 Hollow Rocks
30 Diamond Push ups
2 x 30 Abmat Sit ups
30 Ring Push ups or Hand-Release Push ups
*This is not for time, but skill!  Focus on completing the movement with good movement patterns.  If you are unable to complete some of the movements, we will be working on the progressions to these movements.

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