March 10, 2017

A. Squat Clean Thruster + Front Squat
Every 1:30 x 10 Rounds: 1 Squat Clean Thruster + 1 Front Squat
*Choose your own starting weight.  Add 5-10lb until you can no longer increase weight.  This will be taken from the floor.

B. Push Press
EMOM x 6: 3 Reps @ 75-80%

10 minute AMRAP
3 Single Arm Goblet Squats (53lb/35lb)
3 Ring Push ups
3 Sit ups
6 Single Arm Goblet Squats
6 Ring Push ups
6 Sit ups
9-9-9, 12-12-12, and so on…
*Each Round switch between Right & Left Arm on the Goblet Squats.  Keep the Kettlebell in the Front Rack position using just the one arm.

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