March 4, 2017

8:00am CrossFit
9:00am KidsFit and Oly Lifting
10:00am CrossFit Open Heats start

Partner WOD
10 minute AMRAP
5 Front Squats (135lb/95lb)
10 Hand-Release Push ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35lb)
*Partners will alternate Rounds.

Rest 5:00

10 minute AMRAP
10 Calorie Row
50ft Sled Push (100lb)
*Partners will alternate Rounds.

For those heading down to the Arnold Classic this weekend, come check out your Southern Columbus CrossFit Team as they compete in the Midwest Affiliate Gathering.  This CrossFit event is located inside the main exhibition hall at the Convention Center.  It is in the far back left corner.  Look for the CrossFit signs.  Team competes at 3:15pm.  If they qualify, they will compete again on Sunday around 1:00pm or 2:00pm.
Also on Sunday, our youth athlete, Morgan Iverson, is competing in the 14-15yr old weightlifting division.  Her session begins around 11:00am.  Good Luck to all.

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