June 1, 2020

Strength: Squat Stamina (Week #1)
Every 2:00 x 7 sets:
1 Front Squat
3 Back Squats
*Use 65-70% of 1-Rep Front Squat for all sets.

Today starts a Squat Stamina Cycle that we will be doing.  This first week, the weight is to be around 65-70% of your 1-Rep Front Squat.  You will use this weight for all sets in the first week.  Each week we will be adding to the previous week.  Be sure to record your weights and numbers so you have this information each week.

8 minute AMRAP
2-4-6-8… and so on of:
Kettlebell Box Step Overs* (53 @ 24″/35 @ 20″)
Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
*Ketttlebell can be in the Hang, Front Rack, or on the Shoulder for the Step Overs.

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