May 11, 2020


Strength: Bulgarian Split Squats
4 sets of:
7 Top Range Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats
7 Bottom Range Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats
7 Full Range Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats
*Complete all on one leg then switch to the other leg.
Rest 2:00 between sets.
Can use Dumbbells, Kettlebells, or Barbell + Weight for the Split Squats.

Climb the Ladder for 12:00
2 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
2 Front Rack Double Dumbbell Lunges
30 Double Unders
4 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
4 Front Rack Double Dumbbell Lunges
30 Double Unders
6’s + 30 Double Unders
8’s + 30 Double Unders
…and so on for the 12:00 AMRAP.
*If only using one Dumbbell, complete alternating reps on the Power Cleans.


Strength: Bulgarian Split Squats
4 sets of:
7 Top Range Bulgarian Split Squats
7 Bottom Range Bulgarian Split Squats
7 Full Range Bulgarian Split Squats
*Complete all on one leg then switch to the other leg.
Rest 2:00 between sets.
Use an Odd Object to make the movements weighted.

Climb the Ladder for 12:00
2 Odd Object Power Cleans
2 Front Rack Odd Object Lunges
50 Line Hops
4 Odd Object Power Cleans
4 Front Rack Odd Object Lunges
50 Line Hops
6’s + 50 Line Hops
8’s + 50 Line Hops
…and so on for the 12:00 AMRAP.

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