March 25, 2020

Warm Up (can be used with all programs)
2 Rounds:
:30 Jumping Jacks
:30 High Knees
:30 Butt Kicks
:30 Push up to Down Dog
:30 Sit to Straddle
:30 Burpees
Complete a few Reps of each exercise in your program

SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell)
Workout 3
15 minute AMRAP
7 Handstand Push ups*
14 Alternating DB/KB Squat Cleans
21 Plate Sit ups (Arms Straight)
*If no wall for HSPU, use a box, step, chair or something sturdy to support your legs.  Another substitute would be 2:1 Hand-Releasing Push ups

SCCF-B (Med Ball/Abmat/Band)
Workout 3
For Time:
150 Medicine Ball Cleans
*Starting with and every minute on the minute complete 6 Plank Up & Downs.

SCCF-C (Bodyweight – No Equipment)
Workout 3
0:00 – 10:00
Run or Walk w/ loaded Back Pack*
10:00 – 20:00
2 Rounds of:
50 Power Jacks
25 Burpees
20:00 – 30:00
Run or Walk w/ loaded Back Pack
*Fill a Back Pack with a desired weight.  Use water bottles, old magazines, or some other weight implement.

Accessory Work:
Accumulate 3:oo of:
Wall Sit*
*Hold a weight plate or other weighted object out in front

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CrossFit member, Erin Henschen.  Hope you have a Great Day!!!

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