March 19, 2020

At-Home WOD

Metcon: (For time)
1:00 of Up & Down the Stairs
20-18-16-14….6-4-2 of:
*Round 1 complete 1:00 of Up & Down your house stairs followed by 20 Burpees.  Round 2 complete 1:00 of Up & Down the stairs followed by 18 Burpees.  Continue this pattern completing 1:00 of stairs followed by the number of Burpees all the way until your last set of Burpees is 2.
NO STAIRS, complete 1:00 of Step ups on either a chair or a sturdy object.

3 Rounds of:
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Full Body Crunch
Rest 1:00 between rounds.

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