
September 2, 2018
September 3, 2018 LABOR DAY SCHEDULE 9:00am CrossFit 10:00am Open Gym Strength: Squat Clean Establish a Heavy Single Squat Clean (15 minutes) *Take your time and progressively load.  Focus on hitting a few reps at different weights before adding more weight. Metcon: 7 Rounds for time: 5 Squat Cleans (155/105) 3 Muscle ups* *Scale =...
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September 2, 2018 Rest Day. LABOR DAY SCHEDULE Monday, September 3 9:00am CrossFit 10:00am Open Gym
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September 1, 2018 Partner WOD Teams of 2 complete the following: “31 HEROS” 31 minute AMRAP 8 Thrusters (135/105) Rx+(155/105) 6 Rope Climbs (15′) 11 Box Jumps (30″/24″) *Partners will alternate a 200m weighted run and working on rounds of the workout. **Partner 1 will start on the workout while Partner 2 begins a 200m...
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August 31, 2018 Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning EMOM x 15 Min. 1-4: 3 Clean & Jerks @ 60% Min. 5: Rest Min. 6-9: 2 Clean & Jerks @ 70% Min. 10: Rest Min. 11-14: 1 Rep @ 80% Min. 15: Rest Metcon: 3 Rounds of: 20 Deadlifts (155/105) 200m Run 20 Ring Push ups...
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August 30, 2018 Metcon: 5 x 4:00 Windows of: R1: 21 Burpees + 9 Front Squats @ 70% R2: 18 Burpees + 12 Front Squats @ 65% R3: 15 Burpees + 15 Front Squats @ 60% R4: 12 Burpees + 18 Front Squats @ 55% R5: 9 Burpees + 21 Front Squats @ 50% *Rest...
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