
CrossFit Classes

Our CrossFit classes are the meat and potatoes of what the CrossFit training program is all about.

Classes start with the coach taking the entire class through a structured warmup that will prepare your entire body for what lies ahead.

Next the Coach leads the class through specific mobility stretches and movements that allows your body to prepare for the intense workload that it will manage during the Workout of the Day, aka WOD.

After the warmup and mobility, class will normally work on a strength exercise or a skill movement. For instance the strength exercise may be working up to a 5 rep Squat or Press, while a skill exercise may be spending 10 minutes working on pull ups or handstand push-ups.
Some WODs will be short, fast, and really intense, where-as other days may be longer in duration and involve much more endurance.
(Remember all of the workouts and movements are scaleable to your current level)